Professional Honey Bee Control Services in Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman

If you have unwanted bees around your home, you can contact Al-Manama Honey Bee Control Services, a local beekeeper who may be able to remove the bees without killing them. Honey produced by honeybees, which are active pollinators, is used to nourish their larvae throughout
the winter months. The only social insect with a long-lasting colony is the honeybee. From the pollen and nectar of the plants they pollinate, honeybees make honey. They store the honey in honeycombs in their nests. They often build their nests in tree crevices but will occasionally build nests in attics or chimneys.
Honeybees do sting, but they only sting once. The sting can be extremely painful if the sting is not immediately removed from the sting. A worse reaction will occur in people who are allergic to insect bites. Bee colonies that establish themselves
in wall voids or attics of houses close to a residence can be a major issue. After bees establish permanent homes, they can become very defensive and are much more likely to sting than a swarm.
Honey Bee Control Services
A beehive nest’s treatment or removal, along with the honey product, can be highly untidy. A specialist should handle honeybee management. Because honeybee colonies are so large, only a honey bee pest control professional or experienced beekeeper can safely remove a honeybee nest. Be careful not to get too close, though. Bees are much less aggressive than wasps,
but if you approach their nest too closely, they may become defensive. That is also why you should never try to get rid of the nest yourself. Only pest control technicians with the training and professional equipment can get rid of a bee’s nest effectively and safely.
Location you may find them
The nest can sometimes be located by tapping the wall with a hammer and listening for an answering buzz from the bees. A hole may be bored when the nest is located, preferably through the outside wall, so the insecticide can be applied to the nest. Do not plug the hole immediately after dusting the nest because this may force agitated bees into the home’s living quarters. Swarms are easier to kill right after they enter the structure.
Best Time to Eliminate
It is best to eliminate established swarms in the late winter when they are few in number.
The best time of the day to apply the insecticide is in the late afternoon when all the bees are at home. On sunny days as opposed to days with clouds or rain, the bees will be less irritable. If it is possible to do so without seriously harming the structure, it is advisable to
remove the nest once the bees have been eliminated. Remove and discard the comb and honey. Do not salvage these materials if the colony is treated with insecticide.
Bee Removal Service
If the nest is left in place, the wax could melt, get infested with wax moth larvae, or start to leak honey. If there is a lot of honey, it may permeate inside walls and leave a lasting stain. Bees from other colonies can also be a nuisance around the home as long as honey remains robbed from the killed colony. Aside from carpet beetles, other scavenger insects are drawn to dead bee hives.
After a dead colony has been removed and the structural damage caused by removing the colony has been repaired, plug up all entrances through which other bee swarms can enter. Older homes with cracks in walls or under eaves are likely candidates for honeybee invasion. These holes should be plugged or screened before the time bees begin to swarm to prevent colony establishment. The colony’s odors can remain for a very long time and draw in other swarming bees. Contact Al-Manama Honey Bee Control Services to get rid of this problem.